Ok. 2017 awaits! At the end of this year, I just want to say that: I’m so grateful for my life, such a blessing. And life's not that bad, huh?
In this post, I just wanna tell you some stories about good things that happened in 2016 (plus pictures maybe). So just let’s check them out!
1. Being a part of student council.
Ya I know, everyone must be shocked when they first know that I’m a student council. I mean hello? I used to be so passive back when I was in junior high school, but now I joined this organization like omg still can’t believe it! (lebay tapi emang bener). So here I've been collecting so many memories with them because we basically do our things together and it makes us closer. I also learn how to coordinate, manage and run some sorta events for school and 'twas such a cool experience, though. And yaa it’s really hard for me to say that.. it's their last year. I have no words but one thing I know for sure is that I will remember every single thing that we've done so far, they’re definitely brothers and sisters for me, they're the family I choose. At first, it was so awkward and but they make it way easier for me to adapt.
1 word for ozone: Legen... wait for it... dary!
Special thanks to my (sekbid apasi bhs inggrisnya) oke my only rekan sekbid 10 and my coordinator which is our hillarious 3rd speaker as well, he is *jeng jenggg*) Kak Marta, thanks for trusting me as your, assistant (?) and I really am sorry if I disobey u and forgive me for every mistakes I ever made accidentally or not :”) also for both of my rekan sekbid Kak Dasi and Kak Sadu, terimakasih atas kerja sama selama ini and im proud to be part of them xoxo.
For all (I would mention each of you but I haven’t ask ur permission). I LOVE YOU ALL.
2. Studitur lol
Spent a week+1 day with G-force (Fyi nama kelas gua) and also my best friends. The destinations are basic especially buat "orang daerah" kaya gua: Bandung, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Jakarta and most of it were fun and honestly can’t describe it. And I love youu g-forceee!! Stay childish yet mature yaaa!
And here are some photos :
3. Brave season 1.
Yep, NO WORDS CAN EXPLAIN THIS. IYE GUE TAU GUE LEBAY TAPI TO BE HONEST BRV STILL WINS MY HEARTT! Bersama kalian aku bisa merasakan lagi bagaimana rasanya menjadi anak kecil yang penuh akan ke-bodoamat-an. Almost 2 years we’re apart but you, you, you and you are always being there, deep down in my heart. (Yg baca pasti mikir “Lebay banget si lu sama temen sekelas aja sebegitunya.” buat yang lagi baca dan kepikiran gitu, lima kata buat kalian: BODOAMAT YANG PENTING GUE BAHAGIA.
wuhuuuuuuu |
5. Tulus
First of all I wanna say thankyou very much for Laras and her lovely fam that’ve dropped me home safely. For my parent who let me stay till drop. For Laras (again) also Vidya, Irpan, Cokwi, Harry and Santa.
Singkat cerita, my best friends and I watched Tulus at level21 mall. Dari mulai jengkel sama Dj Barbara banana bombarda barabara (sumpah lupa nama djnya) lalu kaki pegal linu berdiri nungguin ntu DJ kelar tampil eh ternyata masih ada satu band lagi yang tampil bawain lima lagu. Dua lagu terakhir kita memilih nyerah aja dan nyari tempat duduk. Setelah dua lagu itu usai, penonton udah teriak-teriak dan kita pun berasumsi bahwa Tulus pasti udah dateng. Kita langsung keluar dan nyari tempat berdiri dan yap bener, Tulus dah dateng dan suasana mulai acakadul :)
Absolutely kejepit gue waktu itu. Absolutely.
Dan kita yang berjumlah ratusan ini berebut oksigen dalam tempat yang crowded af sampe kepanasan banget. Ya gue waktu itu bersyukur dan merasa beruntung dapet tempat yang lumayan deket sama Tulus dan sambil duduk pula (walaupun kurang nyaman) tapi cukup nyaman dibandingkan kejepit diantara mas mas dan mbak mbak yang berusaha mendapat tempat ternyaman mereka:”).
Ya. Gue akui gue dan teman-teman gue (terutama gue) nontonnya agak alay karna pake teriak teriak sampe orang disekitar gue kupingnya sakit denger teriakan membahana gue (whoever you are, I’m absolutely sorry). But I had so much fun that day. Once again thankyou Laras and vara laknatz-ku.
nais nais :v kok gaada poto yg sama "dia"?
BalasHapusHemmm :3 private